Thursday, 28 April 2011

My new blog

Here an Introduction

My name's Tak and I am an Asian guy currently 17 years old and studying in sixth form at a secondary school in England. I'm an easy going person, but I have clear goals which i strive to achieve with plentiful amounts of determination to see them through. Education is very important to me, I don't know whether it’s from me being Asian or from the influences of my very Asian mother, but I've grown to feel like I'm a failure if I get anything below an A grade which many people find bizarre, but I'm glad I feel this way as it has helped me in achieve my previous academic merits. Working hard in school now will help me to have a brighter future; i have hopes of studying engineering, which I love, in a good university. Since I'd prefer to flourish rather than fail, I'm not going to piss away my chances of having a bright future by pissing about in school and not listening in class, in my opinion I think many kids in England haven't realised that they're basically ruining any changes of being successful individuals in the future who can secure a job and be respected, who the hell wants to work in McDonald's for the rest of their life? So I try my best to encourage younger students at my school to work hard and help them realise that they're in an important stage in their life, maybe even give them some advice or help in their studies or career choices. 

So what will i blog about? 

Well in the new year of 2011 me and one of my best friends began going to the gym, we like to see how far we progress and how we develop so I decided to make a blog to track my progress whether it be muscle growth or strength progress I will post it on here and look back on it all after a few years, and probably think "Bloody hell i look so gay", but i won't regret it of course, everyone starts somewhere and i don't mind looking back on my past and laughing, so i always think twice before acting to make sure i don't do something I'll regret in the future, regret may help you learn from your mistakes but it doesn't feel great lol! So best deny any contact with it.

I'll be posting information on what and how i eat, my workout routines, supplements I may use and my reviews on them, personal best lifts and some progress pictures (No homo :P). I will also be explaining how i get myself motivated and what sort of goals i set to help me progress rapidly. 

I may also post about my other interests such as engineering or sports, and possibly give advice on studying because as i mentioned before, I'd like to increase awareness of the importance of education and working hard in young people. 

Thanks for reading, and remember work hard and study hard to achieve your goals make great progress and flourish, because you weren't made to fail and diminished, you're a star, and you are made to burn brightly while you're alive and go out with a bang! 

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