Looking constipated bro! |
I wasn't satisfied with the shoddy pictures I took with the absolutely mental lighting, so I took another set half way through the month (i know my hair looks like a mushroom :D, that's just how I roll sometimes ;))
Rough statistics at the time (Up till the middle of April):
Age: 17
Height: 170 cm (5'6)
Weight: 70 kg (154.3 lbs)
Arm: 34 cm (13.4")
Leg (Quad): 54 cm (21.3")
Leg (Calf): 40 cm (15.7")
Chest: 99 cm (39")
Personal Best Lifts:
Flat Bench Press: 80kg (176 lbs) - 3 reps
Dumbbell Bench Press: 35 kg (77.2 lbs) - 6 reps
Squat: - 115 kg (254 lbs) - 4 reps
Dead lift: 140 kg (309 lbs) - 2 reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: - 20 kg (44 lbs)
Military Press: - (Not performed)
Weekly routine at the time:
Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Chest (+Triceps no specifically)
Day 3: Back (+Biceps not specifically)
Day 4: Shoulders
Alteration, I put my leg workout to the first day because I was being annoyed with having intense D.O.M's (Delayed onset muscle soreness) while I'm at work, it really makes things difficult... it's bearable while going to school. I also don't do traps specifically any more, I feel I'm getting enough of a workout in my traps from exercises such as power cleans and lateral raises, that it's a waste of time focusing on them. Plus I've been having trouble working my shoulders well so I've been dedicating more time on them.
I was contemplating whether or not to dedicate another day to just arms, as suggested by someone at my gym, but since i work on weekends I'd find it hard to fit it in, and i was fairly sure i was working my triceps and biceps enough during my chest and back days.
I don't work my arms specifically, and I rarely do any biceps or triceps exercise such as curls, I feel I'm working them sufficiently during exercises such as bench press and pull ups. At my gym I see masses of people doing curls every other day and chest on the days in-between... it's a bit retarded lol. I guess their idea of a good physique, are huge upper body, tiny legs, no back and tiny triceps xD. Since I'm a very polite person I don't give out advice, as to avoid causing any unintentional offence, as this would most likely lead to a fight... That's if my judge of character has any accuracy (basically they seem like giant knob heads who start fights :P). Rest assured, my gym isn't filled with incompetents, there are a few regular members who work extremely hard on their whole body and are in great shape and are very strong, even some ages 50+'s!
Supplements Taken:
I finished my bag of quad protein (cookies & cream), I was very satisfied so i bought another bag, this time Double chocolate fudge flavour. After the first serving I already decided that double chocolate fudge was my preference, it tastes soooo good! It's like a thicker version of Nesquik, exactly like a chocolate milk shake.
I also got another free 100g's of micronised creatine from the supplier which is just peachy, if i keep buying quad protein I'll never need to buy creatine again.
I bought a number of mineral supplements from Ebay I chose these carefully by analysing which essential minerals were missing from my multi-vitamin & mineral supplement. Here's what I bought.
Flaxseed Oil (100 Tablets): I bought this for £4.49, and it brings 50 servings, this is quite cheap for flaxseed oil capsules.
Magnesium (90 Tablets): This was £4.29, and since it's 1 a day, you'll get 90 servings.
Calcium (50 tablets): This was only £2.69, for 50 servings.
I take these every morning and hopefully they'll have a positive effect after a few months. Apparently you won't feel any effects straight away, they will take time to take effect.
Since I've only been consuming these mineral supplements for a short period of time, i can't say I've felt any big positive effects yet, only time will tell. The prices seem very reasonable (at least compared to Holland & Barrett), the seller seems to have gained high praise, so I don't have any problem trusting the product, just make sure you store the flaxseed oils in a cool and dark area and you seal the bags properly, because the flaxseed oils deteriorate in sunlight and high heat/humidity.
In a later post I will give information on the importance of the different vitamins and minerals, and which ones are especially essential to leading a healthy life.
Began cutting out the junk food, and fizzy drinks during lunch. Still finding it hard to fit in more than 3 proper meals on school nights.
After having troubles with my grip during my heavier sets of dead lifts, I decided to buy some lifting straps.
RDX Padded Weight Lifting Training Gym Straps:
Price: £6.48 (including P&P)
Size: One-Size-Fit's-All
They came in a snazzy zip-lock bag, gotta say RDX have got style, they know how to package their products. They're a high quality product, which I'm sure will last me for a long time. They are padded as to reduce pressure on your wrists for increased comfort. They help increase my grip by a lot and aid in getting those extra reps on my heavier sets, and in keeping my grip strong while trying new personal record lifts. I'm very satisfied with these lifting straps and I'd recommend them if you're looking to buy a set of lifting straps.
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