Thursday 5 May 2011

May Progress

Thought I'd be a douche and add some poses :P. I'm much happier with the lighting though, the pictures are much better :). Do you like them? 

Statistics at the time: 

Age: 17
Height: 171 cm (5'6)
Weight: 71 kg (156.5 lbs)
Arm: 33.7 cm (13.3")
Leg (Quad): 55 cm (21.7")
Leg (Calf): 40 cm (15.7")
Chest: 98.4 cm (38.7")

I think I gotten slightly smaller :P (or I measured wrong the first time)

Personal Best Lifts:
Flat Bench Press: 85kg (187.4 lbs) - 1 reps, 27/04/2011
Dumbbell Bench Press: 35 kg (77.2 lbs) - 6 reps, 27/04/2011
Squat: - 130 kg (286.6 lbs) - 2 reps, 03/05/2011
Dead lift: 160 kg (352.7 lbs) - 1 reps, 27/04/2011
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: - 25 kg (55.1 lbs) - 4 reps, 28/04/2011
Military Press: - (Not performed)

I added the dates achieved. 


The past couple of weeks i've not been able to sleep very well, getting at most 3 hours of sleep a night... I'm not sure what the reasons for the loss of sleep are, possibly stress, but it's really limiting how hard i can push myself in the gym, and i can definetly feel that my body is tired and less energetic... this is just evidence that getting enough sleep is very important when building muscle and strength, not only is sleep important to help recover and grow, but also the rest is important for your brain, because if psychologically you aren't feeling 100%, you're not goint to get yourself an excellent workout and you're going to find it hard to push yourself, especially if you have a splitting headache or you're finding it hard to stay awake.

Since I've been feeling shit I haven't been getting the best workouts, with no rest my whole body is very sore, especially my legs (walking with a limp lol), and I'm finding it hard to get into the zone before lifting my heavier sets. This resulted in me failing a PR attempt on my dead lift. Just saying, you gotta get a good 8 hours of sleep or you're going to lose out on gains in muscle and strength.

This past month I've also hit a strength plateau in my dumbbell chest press, a month ago i did a good set of 35kg dumbbells, lately i've even been struggling with 32.5kg dumbbells... to try and leap over this plateau I've been trying different routines to try and shock my system into getting stronger, my body may have gotten used to the same routine over the past 2-3 months. 

Have you hit any strength plateaus? How did you conquer them? 
And how do you think i'm progressing :)? I'd love to see some feed back. 

1 comment:

  1. Getting close to bruce lee mode!


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